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Selectmen Minutes 01/02/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 2, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

SUBJECT: Millican Nurseries
PRESENT: Mike Wolfe

Mr. Wolfe informed the Board of his recent purchase of the vacant field across the road from his present facility on Pleasant Street.  The use of this parcel will be for the growing of container plants to be sold and shipped wholesale at a later date.  Mr. Wolfe wishes to be proactive and is here to discuss his plans and listen to any concerns the Board may have with the project.

Mr. Wolfe will be connecting the new lots’ water supply to the current irrigation system.  This will require some trenching or boring under the road.  He has also spoken to the Road Agent and discussed the process and permits needed if any for relocating the bar way break in the stonewall and creating a new driveway and obtaining an easement if necessary to trench the road.  Lisa was directed to research ownership of the roadway.

The property is currently under current use taxation.  The land use categories will need to be updated. Using the field for employee parking was discussed.  The Board directed Mr. Wolfe to speak with the Planning Board for discussion purposes to inquire if this would be permissible or considered a change of use.

A provision of the sales agreement is that a natural screen be planted along the roadway.

There may be a need to asphalt what is to become the driveway, gravel will be tried first.
Mr. Wolf agreed to purchase some safety roadway signs and asked if the highway department could install them.  The Board agreed.  

SUBJECT: Alleged zoning violation – 66 Bear Hill Road
PRESENT: Michelle & Jim Plunkett

Mr. & Mrs. Plunkett met with the Board to follow up on the concerns they have for non-approved activities taking place on their neighbor’s property.  The Plunketts showed the Board newspaper advertisements advertising services for repair shop activities. There are no Planning Board approvals for this business. A building permit was sought for the barn. The barn has been moved and the Plunketts are concerned it no longer meets the setback requirements.  A Mac Tool delivery truck arrives weekly at the property.  Also, the property is being used for vehicle/boat storage.  The Plunketts requested the Board of Selectmen send an immediate Cease and Desist to the property owners.

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BOS minutes
January 2, 2007

Chairman MacCleery explained the procedure the Board follows, is to first send a letter
 notifying the property owner of the alleged violations and the steps necessary to bring
 the property back into compliance.  When or if no response comes from the homeowner,
 then the Board, mandated per the Chichester Zoning Regulations, seeks a court remedy.  
 The Board directed Lisa to draft a letter of complaint to the Hallquists.
SUBJECT: Wetlands Inventory
PRESENT: Conservation Commission members; Robert Mann, Jeff Andrews, Walter Sanborn and Gordon Jones

The Conservation Commission met with the Board of Selectmen to request approval for the Commission to seek advice from the town attorney in reference to homeowner notification for Phase II of the Wetlands Inventory.  The Board agreed to the request.

Bob Mann updated the Selectmen regarding the discussion between the Conservation Commission and Mr. Cavacco, owner of Hillcrest Campground in reference to rebuilding a dam at the Marsh Pond site.  The town has not yet received the final status letter on the beaver dam removal, from the State Dam Bureau.  The Conservation Commission discussed the need for the town to have access to the sight should a new dam be constructed. Mr. Cavacco seems willing at this time to discuss an easement with the town.  Mr. Cavacco wants a voice in how the new dam would be managed, such as the water levels; he is requesting joint management of a new dam.  The commission is working on locating documents that would assist them with establishing these guidelines.  Any financial liability has yet to be discussed.

Conservation Commission Chairman Mann informed the Board of Selectmen of the resignation of member Lee Ann Vollato.

SUBJECT: Fire Department Resignations
PRESENT: John & Betsy Uitts

Motion was made by Chairman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman Colbert to enter into non-public session, pursuant to RSA 91-a:3II,c; at 8:17pm. MacCleery-yes;Colbert-yes;DeBold-yes.  All in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion to close non-public session made by Chairman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold at 10:10pm. MacCleery-yes;Colbert-yes;DeBold-yes.  All in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Colbert to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten (10) years.  All were in favor. Motion carries.

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BOS minutes
January 2, 2007


The Board directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with the Fire Chief for the January 16, 2007 Selectmen’s meeting.

The Selectmen reviewed an anonymous zoning compliant letter.

An invoice for Mayville Trucking was processed for the incorrect amount.  The Board directed Lisa to return it to the highway department for correction.

Selectman DeBold shared an inquiry from the Town Librarian who would like to establish a movie night/sleepover for teenagers to be held at the library.  The Board discussed the concern for any life safety issues and would recommend the Library Trustees discuss this matter with the Fire Chief.  

Selectman DeBold notified the Board that the Road Advisory Committee has scheduled an informational public meeting to present their Final Report for 2006-2007 on January, 31, 2007, 7:00pm at the Grange Hall.  

Motion Selectman Colbert, seconded by Selectman DeBold to encumber $7,200 from the 2006 Warrant Article # 13, for the completion of the survey work being performed for Carpenter Park. All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Chairman MacCleery signed the evaluation form for CLD Engineering, for the work performed during the Webster Mills over Sanborn Brook Bridge Project.

The Board discussed an updated fee schedule submitted from the Building Inspector.  It was agreed the Building Inspector should bring this to the Planning Board for Thursday night’s public hearing.  Lisa will notify the Building Inspector.

Lisa updated the Selectmen on the status of ongoing zoning complaints; Leppard appears to be in compliance at this time, monitoring the status from time to time will be appropriate; Mr. Mark Drew still has two days remaining to obtain his building permit.  

Selectman DeBold had nothing new to report on the residency issue at Hillcrest Campground.  

Selectman DeBold reported that the stone wall has been closed off again at the end of Hillview Drive and there appears to be no further activity at this time.

The Selectmen have drafted a letter to send to the Fire Chief requesting his account of the events surrounding the Federal Surplus purchase.

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BOS minutes
January 2, 2007

The review of the revisions made by town counsel for the Farm Lease was tabled.

The establishment of 2007 Selectmen’s goals was tabled due to the lateness of the hour.
Each Board member will bring three items to the table for next week.

Chairman MacCleery brought the suggestion forward to place Rose Warren receiving the Boston Post Cane on the cover of the town report.  The Board decided instead to dedicate the 2006 annual report to Mrs. Warren.

The status hearing for the Fournier Case has been rescheduled to February 21, 2007.

All correspondence was reviewed.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

The minutes of December 19, 2006, were approved as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert                                           APPROVED AS CORRECTED
Richard DeBold